- reduces backache, headache, migraine, menstrual pain, neuralgia
- soothes neck stiffness
- initiates self-healing within the body
- stimulates vascular, lymphatic and hormonal systems
- increases joint motion
- aids body detoxication
- reduces digestive problems
- stimulates blood circulation
- aids relaxation and recovery

Zen Shiatsu Massage is a relatively modern technique being continuously developed within the last century in Japan. It combines traditional Chinese medicine with modern massage techniques and contemporary scientific knowledge in anatomy, physiology, physical therapy and osteopathy. The therapy is based on shiatsu massage technique endorsed by Shizuto Masunaga – a therapist and professor of psychology in Tokyo who has managed to integrate shiatsu techniques and rudimentary Chinese medicine with western psychology and physiology. All these components gave rise to a technique that affects the body, mind and emotions. The prefix zen accentuates meditative nature of this massage technique. In Japanese the word "shi" stands for a finger, and the word "atsu" means to press. The pressure being applied onto relevant meridians on the body of an individual undergoing this therapy underlies the whole concept of Zen Shiatsu.
Zen Shiatsu massage is often referred to as needle-free acupuncture. This type of massage initiates self-remediation process, and reduces physical and energetic types of retention in the entire human body leaving it genuinely relaxed and well-balanced.

- comfortable clothing and socks are required
- no excessive meals prior to massage
- no meals later than 1h prior to massage
- the first trimester of pregnancy
- acute inflammation and fever
- osteoporosis
- venous thrombosis, varicose veins
- cancer disease
- infectious diseases